Teck-e STEM Classes Offered in Midtown

Teck-e, which offers science, technology, engineering, and math classes for kids, is offering two new classes in Midtown Manhattan this fall.

Teck-e, founded in January, offers STEM (science technology, engineering, and math) workshops. This fall, it is offering two new classes at the International Center of Photography in Midtown. Both classes are designed for ages 8-13, but teck-e also offers programming for younger ages as well as adult workshops.

The two new classes are 3D Modeling & Printing and Coding with Minecraft. Both are offered two days a week starting in September. 3D Modeling & Printing is a hands-on class in which students will learn to use 3D CAD modeling to design, prototype, and create objects for everyday use. This class is held Sundays, Sept. 27-Nov. 8, from 11:45am-1:00pm. Coding with Minecraft teaches students to program with code, construct with 3D blocks, and model worlds in the popular game Minecraft. This class is held Sept. 27-Nov. 9, Sundays from 10-11:30am and Mondays from 5-6:30pm.

Classes are held in a dedicated room at the International Center of Photography that blends a digital learning lab with a maker’s space, says Bryce Wolkowitz, who founded teck-e e because, as a parent, he saw there was a need for a blend of technology and design specifically for children. “The space is fully equipped with an electronics lab and a 3-D workshop that stimulates senses in children and engages the imagination,” he says.

See teck-e at the World Maker Faire Sept. 26-27 at the New York Hall of Science in Corona, Queens.


Main photo: Two students work on project at teck-e’s Invention Lab.