What Can I Do if My Child Is Struggling with Multiplication?

Use these tricks to help a child who is struggling to learn the multiplication tables.


To master multiplication and the thinking behind it, it is paramount that the student understands how to “skip count,” or reason in groups. Start by learning how to count by 2s, 5s, and 10s, and from there the basic multiplication facts can be developed.

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For instance, if you know your “2” times tables, then you also know your “4” times tables by extension. To multiply anything by 4, we can first multiply by 2, and then double the answer.

Try to think of multiplication as “repeated addition” of the same number, and visualize groups of this amount.

Even subtle changes in how questions are asked can make a huge difference. For example, instead of asking “What is three times five?”, ask: “What is three, five times?” This small distinction helps highlight the idea of repeated addition, and helps the student to visualize five groups of three rather than simply trying to memorize the times tables.

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