Have an Inspiring Graduation Story to Share?

It’s finally the time of year where your children, nieces and nephews, and other loved ones are recognized for their academic accomplishments from the school year. Do you have an inspiring story to tell of a New York City graduate? Do you want to share the accomplishments of a Westchester graduating class near you? Did someone win an award that you would like them to be recognized for? Send it all our way and we would be happy to share your story with our readers!

You can submit your graduation and academic accomplishment news stories as well as any other news stories relating to the NY Metro area through our news submission form.


1. Stories must be at least 200 words long and qualify as ‘newsworthy’ (new information)

2. Stories must be in the form of a story with full sentences, not an advertisement or bullet points.

3. You must have permission to share any of the photos of children you are sharing with us.

4. The photo must be hi-resolution (at least 300dpi.)


1. A graduating class at your local high school

2. An inspirational graduation story

3. An academic or sports achievement story

4. An upcoming graduation or award ceremony that is open to the public
